2D Patch With The Matrix Generator For DMX Output
In this tutorial, we will create an easy 2D patch with the help of the Matrix Generator for DMX output.
We have to create a patch for a 2D matrix of 4×4 pixel panels, which are controlled via DMX. The patch consists of 5 fixtures in a row and 4 fixtures per column. There should be an offset of 2 pixels between every fixture.
All pixels on this panel are RGB pixels, and there are no other control channels.
Every row should be assigned to a new DMX universe, starting with DMX start channel 1, and universe 1.
The following image shows the DMX address assignment:

1- Please go to MADRIX to Preferences > Matrix Generator. [Keyboard shortcut: F2]

2- The Matrix Generator opens with the default settings.
The full explanation of all functions of the Matrix Generator is found in the MADRIX manual chapter: »Using the Software > Patching > Matrix Generator.

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3- Now we have to change the settings according to our task to patch a 4×4 pixel panel with a resolution of 5 x 4 fixtures with an offset of 2 pixels between every fixture.
- In the Fixture section, we have to change:
- Normally, we don't need to change the Protocol. It must be DMX.
- In this example, we create a patch with the Product:! generic panel 4×4 vertical
- In the Placement section, we have to change the following settings:
- Count X needs to be set to 5, Count Y needs to be set to 4, and Count Z is left at 1.
- The offset for X and Y has to be set to 2.
- In the Addressing section, we need to make the following changes:
- According to the patch plan, the first fixture has to be assigned on the top left side. So we change the starting corner to the top right.
- Since our task is to have each line patched in a new universe and we know 5 fixtures are in a line, we have to change the Fixture Count Limit Per Universe to 5.
Now, we can compare the Addressing Preview with our patch plan. If both are equal, we click “OK“. [Keyboard shortcut: Enter]

4- After the Matrix Generator was closed, MADRIX immediately created the new matrix of 5 x 4 “!generic panel 4×4 vertical” fixtures.

Video Tutorial:
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a 2D patch for DMX output.